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There are many. I'm doing the crosswords, and the answer that fits mine is "Iloilo"

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Q: What are the Philippine island seaports?
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the thoeriesof origin of philippine island is so dumb shet

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7,l08 island when low tide

Manila bay lies off the coast of which island of the Philippine archipelago?

Luzon Island

Is seaports a collective noun?

No, the noun seaports is the plural form for the noun seaport.A collective noun is a word used to group nouns, for example a string of seaports or an itinerary of seaports.

What island is called island of pearl?

Philippines, because Philippine Island is compose of 1,701 island, and also known as 'Pearl of the Orient'.

How many seaports are in Lagos Nigeria?

There are 8 major seaports in Nigeria.