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Q: What Scandinavian nation is an area of fjords?
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The western cost of what Scandinavian has an area of rugged inlets called fjords?


In which area of Europe are fjords found?

Norway. Fjords meaning (in Scandinavian) a bay. In other words a long narrow arm of sea bordered by cliffs.

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Which Scandinavian country are fjords found?


What are the narrow inlets in the Scandinavian?

The fjords of Norway.

What Scandinavian country is famous for fords?

Fjords. Norway.

What Scandinavian long inlets from the sea are called?

Long inlets are called 'fjords' in Scandinavia

Long narrow bays usually surrounded by high Scandinavian mountains are called .?

They're called fjords.

What country in Scandinavian Peninsula has many fords?

Fjords. Norway.

In what Scandinavian country will you find the sea valleys?

Norway. They're called fjords.

What are some major geographic features of Norway?

The Fjords also there are the Scandinavian mountains.

Which Scandinavian county would you find the most number of fords?

Fjords: Norway