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True. All of them were seeking a route to Asia.

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Q: Is this true or false European explorers were trying to find the northern passage?
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Where were European explorers trying to get to when they discovered America?

China and/or India.

What were early European explorers trying to find?

Early European explorers were trying to find new trade routes to Asia, specifically to access spices, silk, and other valuable goods. They were also searching for new lands to claim for their countries and to spread Christianity.

How did Northern European artist and writers apply Renaissance in their work?

trying to find the answer too

What lands did explorers discover while trying to reach Asia?

European Explorers discovered on their way to finding a shorter way to Asia... was the what are now called the United States of America! European Explorers discovered on their way to finding a shorter way to Asia... was the what are now called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Why did European explorers first come to north America?

Europeans explored the Atlantic for the sake of trying to find gold,money,land or something of value. Many explorers were genuinely curious about what else was around them to study and understand.Ê

What were the explorers trying to get to?

Explorers were trying to get stuff like spices , special stones,and were trying to find undiscoveredland,and they were trying to learn more about theworld.

Who turned back at the junction of the Arkansas and Mississippi River realizing that the Mississippi was not the Northwest Passage .?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado turned back at the junction of the Arkansas and Mississippi River realizing it was not the Northwest passage. Early explorers were trying to find ways to send goods from Europe to Asia without land travel.

What were some problems explorers encountered when trying to attempt the Northwest and Northeast Passages?

Explorers attempting the Northwest Passage faced challenges such as harsh Arctic conditions, ice floes, and limited navigable routes due to ice cover. In contrast, explorers of the Northeast Passage dealt with similar challenges along with navigating through the narrow and ice-prone waters of the Siberian Arctic coast, as well as encountering hostile indigenous populations in some regions.

Who turned back realizing the mississippi was not northwest passage?

joilet and marquette

What were the majority of explorers trying to accomplish?

The majority of explorers were trying to discover new lands, trade routes, and resources to expand their empires and increase their wealth. They were also motivated by a desire for fame, glory, and the acquisition of new knowledge about the world. Additionally, some explorers were driven by religious motivations, such as spreading Christianity to newly discovered lands.

What did Henry Hudson want to explore?

The waterways in search of the Northwest Passage to the Orient.

What was Hudson Hudson trying to find?

The North West Passage.