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Q: How old was Magellan when he circumnavigated the world?
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Who circumnavigated the world?

Magellan was the first ( yet he didn't make it home. He was killed in the Philippines) and Sir. Frances Drake also circumnavigated the world after Magellan.

What is the name of the first Basque known to have circumnavigated the world?

Magellan-Elcano was the name of the first Basque known to have circumnavigated the world.

What portuguese sailor circumnavigated the world during the 1500s?

Ferdinand Magellan

Who first circumnavigated the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

What were Magellan's accomplishments?

Circumnavigated the globe

What are some fact on Ferdinand Magellan?

he spread diseases and was born in portugal and circumnavigated the world

Who first traveled round the earth proving it was a sphere?

Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to lead an expedition that circumnavigated the Earth, providing evidence that it was a sphere. Magellan's expedition departed in 1519 and was completed by Juan Sebastián Elcano in 1522.

What were Ferdinand Magellan accomplishment?

Circumnavigated the globe

What is the last voyage of Magellan?

The last voyage of Magellan was the one that he is famous for, where he circumnavigated the world. He died on that voyage when he was in the Philippines. The Lapu Lapu tribe killed him.

Who first circumnavigated the earth?

i think either magellan or juan sebastian del cano

Did Sir Francis Drake circumnavigate the world with Ferdinand Magellan?

no because ferdinand magellan died before sire francis drake was even born, and only one ship and 18 crews of magellan's crew and ships circumnavigated the world, because magellan died fighting the natives

Circumnavigated the earth during Shakesperes lifetime?

I think it was Ferdinand Magellan but I am not sure