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Louis Joliet had 4 voyages.

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Q: How many voyages did Louis Joliet have?
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What were Louis Joliet's 4 voyages?

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When was Louis Joliet born?

Louis Joliet was born on September 21, 1645.

What is Louis Joliet's birthday?

Louis Joliet was born on September 21, 1645.

When was Westfield Louis Joliet created?

Westfield Louis Joliet was created in 1978.

Did louis joliet have kids?

Yes, Louis Joliet had six children with his wife Claire-Francoise Bissot.

What things were named after Louis Jolliet the explorer?

joliet in quebec, joliet illinois, and joliet montana. Mostly cities.

When did Louis Joliet get financed?

he scks

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What is the name of Louis jolliet's ships?

what is the name of Louis Joliet's ships

Who was Louis joliet finaced by?

== == There was no one who gave financial services to Louis Joliet on his expedition. Though Jean Talon persuaded Governor Frontenac to approve it.

What country did Louis Joliet come from?
