Yarmouth is about 207 miles directly east of Portland, Maine. One mile is 0868976 nautical miles, so there are 179.88 nautical miles between them.
The distance between the above places is approximately equal to 117 nautical miles. To convert miles to nautical miles, multiply the miles by 0.86. This is point to point straight distance. The actual distance will change according to the route.
Can you please tell me the distance from Yarmouth to Bar Harbor by way of the Gulf of Maine
Portland to Halifax 590 miles, Halifax to Yarmouth 230 miles, total 820 miles
Approximately 225km.
You can find it at Nova Scotia. Look about midway between Halifax and Yarmouth along the coast.
Yarmouth, nova scotia
There was until late 2009 when the Government of Nova Scotia declared that they wouldn't subsidize the ferry, which ultimately costing the Town of Yarmouth 100s of jobs. The entire Southern quarter of Nova Scotia is devastated. However, a new cruise ferry service, Nova Star Cruises, began operating in May, 2014. For more information see novastarcruises.com.
You enter Nova Scotia on TCH 104 from New Brunswick this highway follows an Easterly direction to Cape Breton. High 102 leaves the 104 at Truro and goes South to Halifax. From Halifax to Yarmouth at the West end of Nova Scotia two highways will take you there. Highway 101 to the Annapolis valley and then to Yarmouth or Highway 103 from Halifax to Yarmouth via the Atlantic Coast. These are our main routes of Nova Scotia.
The driving distance (not "as the crow flies") is 546 kilometers, or about 5.5 hours.
in CanadaYarmouth County, Nova Scotia Yarmouth (town)Yarmouth (municipal district)Yarmouth (provincial electoral district)Yarmouth (federal electoral district)New Yarmouth, Nova Scotiain the United Kingdom Yarmouth, the common name of Great Yarmouth, a town in Norfolk Great Yarmouth (borough), a local government districtGreat Yarmouth (UK Parliament constituency)Yarmouth, Isle of Wight Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) (UK Parliament constituency) (former UK Parliament constituency)Yarmouth Castle, a fortress guarding Yarmouth harbourin the United States Yarmouth, IowaYarmouth, Maine Yarmouth (CDP), MaineNorth Yarmouth, MaineYarmouth, Massachusetts South Yarmouth, MassachusettsWest Yarmouth, MassachusettsYarmouth Port, Massachusetts
It depends on your departing and arrival locations:For example, from Victoria, British Columbia to Tijuana (both on the western seaboard) you would have to travel some 2,200 Km or 1,188 Nautical Miles (1367 miles)From Yarmouth, Nova Scotia to Cancun there is a distance of 3,300 Km, or 1,782 Nautical Miles (2050 miles).
Yarmouth Nova Scotia Trade Dollars are collectible tokens used as part of a local currency program to encourage spending at participating businesses. While they may have value to collectors or as souvenirs, they are not considered legal tender and cannot be used as currency for general transactions.