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The Phaeacians bring on a ship and then carry him on the shore of Ithaca and then they sail back for home

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Q: How does Odysseus finally reach his home island?
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Why didnt Odysseus men reach home?

They ate the Cattle of the Sun, Helios got angry and killed them all except Odysseus. Odysseus drifted onto Calypso's Island from here.

Did Odysseus get home safely?

Yes. After 10 years after the war, Odysseus finally arrives home safely.

What island is Odysseus's home on?


What is the Odysseus' destination?

Odysseus's destination is always his home, the island of Ithaca.

How did Calypso keep Odysseus on her island?

Odysseus was shipwrecked, and had no way of getting home. She did not help Odysseus get home until she was told to by the Gods.

How is Odysseus finally transporte to his home of Ithaca?

The right way

How is Odysseus received on the island of scheria home of king alcinous?

It was the home of the Phaeacians, who treated Odysseus as a welcome guest.

Who tells Odysseus of the problems at home in Ithaca?

A crow on Circe's island that Odysseus sends.

What happens to Odysseus after the fall of troy?

this is a summary because the story is to long. He reach to his float of about 10 ships and reach to a near city to conquer it. then he travel trying to go home; he loses the rout and finished on a Cyclops's island, they investigate the warriors of Odysseus went to investigate the island and they were trapped into a cave ruled by the Cyclop the son of Poseidon so with good mind they hit the only eye of the Cyclop and scape of the island. they lose about 5 ships after the scape of the Cyclops until they reach to another island ruled by a witch that transform everyone into pigs. Odysseus again with intelligence save his friends and went of the island like a year later. they travel for a long time in which they lose the rest of the ships only Odysseus's ship survive they return to the wicth island but that time the wicth hate with all her soul because damage the sun island so they scape for other years throughout the water he finally finished reaching to his home itaca alone after 9 years of the war.

What does Circe instruct Odysseus to do in order to reach home?

he farts

What does calypso promise to give odysseus to help him reach home?

he went home drunk

Why was Hermes sent to see her?

By her, I hope you mean Calypso, nymph of the sea. Calypso kept Odesseus basically trapped at her island Ogygia. The seven years were like relaxing years, as he spent a tough decade in the Trojan War and then another three years fighting back home. As a result, he still didn't reach home, but instead with Calypso in Ogygia. Hermes was sent by Zeus to tell Calypso that it was Odysseus' time to go home, because Odysseus finally longed to go home and had gotten depressed staying on Calypo's island. Calypso raged, distressed at that Odysseus would leave her. But as Zeus demands, Calypso unwillingly obliged.