What is the first thing you do on poptropica time tangled?
You go to the small building you see.
How do you find Edison's work shop in poptropica?
Once you are on Time Tangled island then go to your time travel
stopwatch thing and click on who Edison is and go to the left and
click on the doors and then you are in Edison's workshop
Is there such thing as cand island on poptropica?
NO! sorry
What is the first thing you do on time tangled island?
You go to the lady who is crying.
Where is the sone stone on time tangled island?
on the top of the tower thing.
Where is the medall ion in time tangled on poptropica?
The medal or what ever that says you beat the island is in the
future so you push the thing again and go to the future and get to
your house and talk to your self in the future then you in the
future give you the medal thing or what ever.
Hope it helped!