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Cultivation theory is particularly interested in exploring the relationship between media consumption and the perceptions and beliefs of individuals, including the potential impact on attitudes towards violence in society.

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Q: Which theory is interested in the question of the link between the media and violence?
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What theory of collective inmate violence attributes the problem to abrupt crackdowns or changes in inmate freedoms that are implemented by prison administrators?

The importation theory of collective inmate violence attributes the problem to abrupt crackdowns or changes in inmate freedoms that are implemented by prison administrators. This theory suggests that violence can arise when inmates bring their predispositions and social roles from the outside world into the prison environment, reacting negatively to sudden changes in their conditions of confinement.

What is drift theory in criminology?

Drift theory in criminology suggests that individuals can move back and forth between conforming and deviant behaviors based on situational influences and personal motivations. This theory argues that individuals may "drift" to criminal behavior temporarily before returning to a more conventional lifestyle. Drift theory challenges the idea that people are either purely criminal or purely law-abiding, proposing instead that behavior can be fluid and situational.

What are the criminological theories?

Some common criminological theories include the classical theory, which suggests that individuals choose to engage in criminal behavior based on rational calculations; the biological theory, which examines how biological factors may contribute to criminal behavior; and the social learning theory, which posits that individuals learn criminal behavior through social interactions and modeling. Other theories include the strain theory, labeling theory, and control theory.

Who knows Robert Miller and what is his contribution in criminology?

Robert Agnew is a prominent criminologist known for his development of the General Strain Theory in criminology. This theory posits that strain or stress can lead individuals to engage in criminal behavior as a coping mechanism. Agnew's work has helped to advance understanding of the complex interplay between individual experiences of strain and the likelihood of criminal behavior.

Whose theory of the criminal man was the first important positivist theory to emerge?

Cesare Lombroso's theory of the "born criminal" was the first important positivist theory to emerge. Lombroso believed that criminal behavior was determined by biological factors and that criminals could be identified based on physical characteristics.

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What is exposure theory?

The theory about factors that prevent/reduce the likelihood of violence between intimate partners. For example being in a common law marriage it is more likely there will be violence when compared to a full marriage. employment, education, and divorce rates are all factors that can potentially reduce the chance of violence between intimate partners.

What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific question?

A Theory is somthing that you think or predict, where as a question is a question; E.G: Whats your name?

What is the culmination theory?

hey, the culmination theory is is violence stuff.

Which theory of the origin government emphasizes the power of violence?

The origin of government emphasizes the power of violence through the force theory.

What is the reduction?

The theory about factors that prevent/reduce the likelihood of violence between intimate partners. For example being in a common law marriage it is more likely there will be violence when compared to a full marriage. employment, education, and divorce rates are all factors that can potentially reduce the chance of violence between intimate partners.

Which theory about the origin of government holds that government was created when people used violence to compel others?

Force Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created when people used violence to compel others.

Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was created when people use violence to compel others?

Force Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created when people used violence to compel others.

Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was first imposed by force?

The origin of government emphasizes the power of violence through the force theory.

According to the force theory government developed from?


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no answers pertaining this question

What is the exposure-reduction theory?

Exposure-reduction theory suggests that people are more likely to develop phobias and fears of stimuli they encounter less frequently. This theory proposes that repeated exposure to feared stimuli can reduce anxiety and fear responses over time. By gradually exposing individuals to their fears, they may become desensitized and experience decreased levels of anxiety.

What was Max Planck interested in?

He was considered the father of Quantum theory.