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The word "incriminate" means to accuse someone of a crime or wrongdoing.

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Q: What word mean to accuse?
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What is another word for accuse?

Another word for accuse is blame and critized.

What does the word accuse mean?

to charge a person, or persons with some fault, an offence or a crime

Examples of the word accuse in a sentence?

I accuse you of taking up my time to answer this question! I can be argued that to accuse him of a crime he did not commit would be wrong.

What is meant by the word accuse?

The word "accuse" means "to charge a person with a crime or claim that a person has done something wrong". If you accuse someone of something, you are implicating that they have done something wrong.

What is the spanish word to accuse?


Is accuse a verb or noun?

The word accuse is a verb: accuse, accuses, accusing, accused. The noun forms for the verb to accuse are accuser, and the gerund, accusing. Another noun form is accusation.

Does the word impeached mean to accuse or to convict?

The word "impeached" means to accuse or charge a public official with misconduct. It does not imply a conviction or removal from office, as that would be a separate process following the impeachment.

What does it mean to formally accuse?


What does 'indict' mean?

The word "indict" means to formally charge or accuse someone with a serious crime. Some synonyms for the word "indict" are "incriminate", "arraign", and "impeach".

What is the abstract noun for the word 'Accuse'?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to accuse are accusation and the gerund, accusing.

What is the word - when someone blames you for something?


What is the word for blaming someone?

The word for blaming someone is "accusing."