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Public meeting places often taverns that served as headquarters for gangs and thieves in the 18th century were better known as "dens" or "haunts." These places were hubs for criminal activities and provided a sense of camaraderie among the criminal underworld.

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Q: What were Public meeting places often taverns that served as headquarters for gangs and thieves in the 18th century better known as?
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Public meeting places often taverns that served as headquarters for gangs and thieves in the 18th century were known as?

Taverns that served as headquarters for gangs and thieves in the 18th century were known as "den of iniquity" or "notorious haunts." These were places where illegal activities such as gambling, prostitution, and fencing stolen goods took place.

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The possible dangers were thieves

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a gang of thieves a den of thieves a skulk of thieves a band of thieves

What is the plural possessive form of thieves?

The possessive form of the plural noun thieves is thieves'.Example: The thieves' hideout was raided by the police.

What is the plural form of thieves?

The possessive form of the plural noun thieves is thieves'.Example: The thieves' hideout was raided by the police.

What is the plural of thieves?

Thieves is already plural. The singular is thief.

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his father was the leader of forty thieves, that is what made him the prince of thieves and able to marry jasmine

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Pirates are thieves. Some thieves do nice things but they are still thieves.

Do you say a crowd of theives?

It should be "a gang of thieves" or "a group of thieves" instead of "a crowd of thieves".

What is the plural of theft?

The singular form of the plural noun thieves is thief.

What is people alliteration for thirty thieves?

"Triumphant thirty thieves" is a suitable alliteration for "thirty thieves."

When was The Thieves created?

The Thieves was created in 2012-07.