A prison is a classic example of a total institution, where individuals are separated from the outside world, have their behavior strictly regulated, and have limited control over their daily lives.
The word atrocities is already a plural.The singular of this word would be atrocity.An example sentence using the plural is: the atrocities never went unpunished.An example sentence using the singular is: he will be brought to justice for this atrocity.
An example of foreshadowing in this story could be early mentions of the protagonist's recklessness or a sense of impending doom that hovers over their actions. This could include subtle hints about increased police presence or conversations that hint at the possibility of betrayal or capture.
The word "depravity" is a noun. An example of a sentence using the word would be: She was kind and generous, but she was also vulnerable to the depravity of others.
on october 23 2012
The word "impeached" means to accuse or charge a public official with misconduct. It does not imply a conviction or removal from office, as that would be a separate process following the impeachment.
how many total measures would a musician play in the following example.
Given the large population of the U.S., the United States House of Representatives would not be considered a linkage institution. Political parties themselves are an example of linkage institutions.
You would need some additional information, for example, the total size of your tank.You would need some additional information, for example, the total size of your tank.You would need some additional information, for example, the total size of your tank.You would need some additional information, for example, the total size of your tank.
I dont agree with your opinions of the government.
You don't have anything following, but an example would be the typical double barreled shotgun.
Following Jesus' example where he was baptized in the river Jordan.
paying for an employee to take college courses
part / total For example, if you have 20 (total) apples, and eat 5 (part) apples, then you would divide 5 (part) / 20 (total) and you would get 25% of the total amount were eaten
The institution of marriage has existed for centuries as a social and legal union between partners.
The sentence "Would I study English?" is an example of an interrogative sentence, as it is asking a question. It seeks information or confirmation about studying English.