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The term that describes reducing the seriousness of crimes against victims from lower social classes is social class bias or classism. This bias can lead to crimes being perceived as less serious or receiving lesser punishment based on the social status of the victim.

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Q: What is the term that describes reducing the seriousness of crimes against victims from lower social classes?
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Are DUI classes available online?

"Certainly, there are definitely many, many DUI classes that are offered online exclusively. ONe thing to understand when applying for a course online is that it's limited in the one-on-one assistance you may otherwise receive from an instructor in-person."

Can a landlord ask for a criminal background check?

Yes, in most states, a landlord may request a criminal background check as part of the tenant screening process. However, they must obtain the tenant's written consent before running the check and follow all fair housing laws to ensure they are not discriminating against any protected classes.

How much do DUI classes cost?

The cost of DUI classes can vary depending on the state and the length of the program, but generally they can range from $300 to $1,500. Additionally, there may be additional fees for assessments, materials, and other requirements. It's best to check with the specific program or provider for accurate pricing information.

were can i take parenting classes in crossville tn, i have a very low income and they are court ordered?

I recommend reaching out to the Cumberland County Health Department in Crossville, TN. They may offer low-cost or free parenting classes, especially if they are court-ordered. You can contact them at (931) 484-6196 for more information and to inquire about any available resources.

What schools offer online criminal justice programs?

Some schools that offer online criminal justice programs include Arizona State University, University of Cincinnati, Liberty University, and Penn State World Campus. Each program may vary in terms of specializations, duration, and course offerings. Make sure to research and compare different programs to find the best fit for your academic and career goals.

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Is discriminating against lower classes a form of racism?

NO. Note the word RACism. Also remember that "lower class" is in the mind of the beholder not a quality of a person or a people. Discriminating against lower classes is referred to as classism or class discrimination. It also works the other way with the people of the lower classes discriminating against those of the upper classes. Look at the French Revolution; it is a good example of both types of classism described above. Racism is discrimination based on a person's race or ethnic background.