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Another meaning for "crooked" is "bent"

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2mo ago

Twisted or curved are about the same meaning as crooked.

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Q: What is about the same meaning of crooked?
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What word has the same meaning as crooked?

The word "bent" can be used to mean the same as "crooked" when describing something that is not straight or curved.

What is the medical terminology Combining form meaning crooked?

The combining form for "crooked" is "aniso-" or "scolio-".

Which word has the same general meaning as gnarled?

The English word "gnarled" means to be crooked or bent in shape. There are several words that have the same general meaning, including: contorted, knurled, and tortured.

What is the homophone for direct not crooked?

The homophone for direct, meaning not crooked, is "erect."

What does the name camery mean?

It is a male name. It is of Scottish origin. It has the same meaning as the name 'Camry'. It means 'crooked nose'.

What is the homophone for crooked?

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Camron or Cameron is a Scottish surname meaning "crooked nose" from Gaelic cam "crooked" and sròn "nose".

What is the medical terminology Combining form meaning stiffness bent or crooked?

The medical terminology combining form for stiffness, bent or crooked is "ankyl/o".

What is the meaning of the name Cameron?

Cameron comes from the Celtic/Gaelic name, meaning "Bent nose".

What does the surname Campbell mean?

it is a Gaelic name from Scotland meaning 'crooked mouth'

What is the same as crooked?

depends on what sense you use it in: dishonest, corrupt, criminal (if used in the sense of a person being "crooked" but also: bent, warped, twisted (if used to describe a thing that isn't straight)

What is the meaning of a traffic sign showing a straight line beside a crooked line?

A sign with a straight line and a crooked line generally means that motorists need to merge.