A synonym for the word vindictive is revengeful or vengeful.
Cruel means deliberately mean or hurtful. Here are some sentences.You were very cruel to that poor man.She was a cruel stepmother to Cinderella.The cruel treatment of prisoners is morally wrong.
The synonym for abducting is kidnapping.
One synonym for "wretch" is "miserable."
The verb for cruel is "to torment" or "to inflict pain or suffering."
A synonym for harsh is cruel.
cruel, evil, or definition
A synonym for the word vindictive is revengeful or vengeful.
Naughty and mean are not the same. A better synonym for mean is cruel. A synonym for naughty is mischievous.
Brutal, cruel, mad, heartless, harsh, toughHopes this helps
synonym analogies are like huge is to big cruel is to mean thick is to fat
cruel, brutal, wild, untamed, ruthless, murderous, inhumane, fierce, violent
The adjective ruthless has the synonyms cruel, merciless, heartless, brutal, savage, cold-blooded, or cutthroat.
dreadful, alarming, cruel, terrible, disastrous, fearful, frightful, horrible, heartbreaking, shocking, terrific
angry, brutal, violent, dangerous, cruel, fiery, frightening, horrible, furious, terrible, threatening, wild
It can be. Abrasive is a synonym for caustic, cutting, biting, acerbic; rough, harsh, hard, tough, sharp, grating, curt, brusque, stern, severe; wounding, nasty, cruel, callous, insensitive, unfeeling, unsympathetic, inconsiderate
brusque, brute, bearish, cruel, gruff, boorish, blunt, impolite, impertinent, vulgar, negligent, barbaric, brutal, uncivilized, boorish, reckless, impetuous, imprudent, madcap, pert.