Something that is sordid is dirty, squalid, dishonourable, distasteful or dishonest.
Thus "sordidness" is a quality of being sordid that can be applied to something.
Sordidness refers to something that is morally ignoble, base, or dirty. It can also involve something that is characterized by squalor or degraded conditions.
"Copped it" is a slang term that is often used to mean being caught or receiving consequences for something, typically in a negative way. It can also mean to obtain or acquire something.
It seems like you may have misspelled the word. Did you mean "criticize," which means to express disapproval or judgment?
"Humplecrimp" is not a recognized word in the English language. It may be a made-up or misspelled term with no specific meaning.
"Misconshrewed" is not a recognized English word. It seems to be a combination of the words "misconstrued" and "shrewd", but it does not have a specific definition.
baseness, squalor
Sordidness refers to something that is morally ignoble, base, or dirty. It can also involve something that is characterized by squalor or degraded conditions.
The state of being dirty; filthiness; foulness; nastiness; baseness; sordidness.
Rude/rudeness (impudence) is not having or showing concern or respect for the rights and feelings of other people: not polite. Being crude, or a display of disrespect by not complying with the social norms or etiquette. Mean/meanness is the condition or quality, of being mean; want of excellence; poorness; lowness; baseness; sordidness; stinginess. A spiteful or malicious act.
Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust, etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or unclean; earth; as, a wagonload of dirt., Meanness; sordidness., In placer mining, earth, gravel, etc., before washing., To make foul of filthy; to dirty.
A voyeur is someone who gains pleasure from watching others without their knowledge or consent. This behavior can apply to various aspects of life beyond sexual encounters, such as observing private moments, actions, or conversations of individuals without their awareness.
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"
The haudensaunee mean irguios