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Without a doubt, Shipman was an organized killer. His crimes were planned and well-thought out before hand. He made few mistakes which explains his long career as a killer. The organized serial killer is the most difficult to apprehend.

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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Dr. Harold Shipman was considered an organized killer. He planned his murders in advance, displayed a high level of control over his victims, and covered his tracks effectively by using his medical knowledge to make the deaths appear natural.

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Q: Was Dr Harold Shipman an organized or disorganized killer?
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He was considered an organized killer that later became disorganized.

Was Dr. Harold Shipman a Jew?

There is no publicly available information to suggest that Dr. Harold Shipman was Jewish. Shipman was a British doctor who was convicted of being a prolific serial killer, known as the "Doctor Death," for murdering his patients.

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No. Dr. Harold Shipman was not a kidnapper; rather, he poisoned an estimated 250 of his patients, many of whom died in their homes, thinking that their beloved doctor was only doing what was best for them.

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He was not in serial killer for the thrill of the suffering, he was a serial killer based on finacial gain so he kept the money as a trophy.

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His name was Dr. Harold Frederick Shipman and not necessarily by night. He used to kill elderly women for money.

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Who was Harold shipman?

Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman (14 January 1946 - 13 January 2004) was an English convicted serial killer and former doctor. He is one of the most prolific known serial killers in history with 218 murders being positively ascribed to him, although the real number may be twice that.

Was Aileen Wuornos an organised or disorganised killer?

Aileen Wuornos is an example of a disorganized killer. //Actually, Aileen Wuronos has characteristics of both organized and disorganized behaviours. Not only did her crimes display premeditation, but they required a thinking, rational mind and a certain organized thinking process. In order to carry out her criminal acts without detection, Wuornos came prepared with the murder weapon, picked her victims and used the guise of sex to lure them to isolated areas, executed them, robbed them, and used and then disposed of their vehicles, which she scrubbed clean before abandoning them. These are behaviours of an organized killer. An example of her disorganized traits included leaving the bodies of her victims in open areas with little attempt to conceal them. In conclusion, it is quite common for serial killer to have behaviours of both organized and disorganized, sometimes refered to as 'mixed'.

Did Harold Shipman have a mental disorder?

Harold Shipman, a British doctor and serial killer, was found to have narcissistic traits but there was no evidence of a diagnosable mental disorder. He was convicted of killing 15 patients but suspected of many more, demonstrating a pattern of deceit and manipulation rather than mental illness.

Was peter kurten an organized or disorganized serial killer?

He was pretty much disgoranized. His MO consisted of what he though at the moment when he got his hands on a new prey. He kept changing MO's because of that.

Who is the most notorious Killer of all the time?

If we speak in terms of numbers that would be Dr. Harold Shipman of the UK with 218 proven victims and a probable 250+ He killed his patients mostly old women with diamorphine injections.