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The red scare of the 1920s was one of the main results of the fear and paranoia surrounding communist ideology and the Russian Revolution. With the rise of communist movements and the establishment of the Soviet Union, many Americans feared the spread of communism within the United States, leading to government crackdowns on suspected radicals and left-wing groups.

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Q: The red scare of the 1920s was one of the main results of the?
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What field of work was persecuted most during the red scare?

The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, was one of the fields of work most persecuted during the Red Scare. Many actors, directors, and writers were blacklisted or accused of being communists, leading to the ruins of many careers and lives.

Who was a notorious ganster in Chicago during the 1920s and 1930s?

Al Capone was a notorious gangster in Chicago during the 1920s and 1930s. He was involved in various criminal activities, including bootlegging, gambling, and murder, and was eventually arrested and convicted on charges of tax evasion. He was one of the most infamous figures of the Prohibition era.

Which of the following major developments regarding juvenile crime took place in the 1920s?

In the 1920s, one major development regarding juvenile crime was the founding of the first juvenile court in the United States in Chicago in 1899, which marked a shift towards rehabilitation rather than punishment for juvenile offenders. Additionally, the 1920s saw an increase in efforts to address underlying social issues that contribute to delinquency, such as poverty and lack of education. The decade also saw the emergence of the child guidance movement, which focused on providing support and treatment for troubled youth to prevent future criminal behavior.

Who was the most notorious gangster of the 1920s?

One of the most notorious gangsters of the 1920s was Al Capone, also known as "Scarface." He was the leader of the Chicago Outfit and became infamous for his involvement in bootlegging, smuggling, and organized crime during the Prohibition era. Capone's criminal activities and violent tactics made him a prominent figure in American history.

Which in famous individual took over organized crime in Chicago in the 1920s?

Al Capone took over organized crime in Chicago in the 1920s. He became one of the most notorious and powerful gangsters during the Prohibition era, controlling illegal activities such as bootlegging and gambling. His criminal empire made him a prominent figure in Chicago's underworld.

Related questions

What characterized the red scare?

The Red Scare was people being worried about communist take over of the United States. There was one Red Scare in the 1920s and one in the 1950s.

What factors characterized the red scare.?

The Red Scare was people being worried about communist take over of the United States. There was one Red Scare in the 1920s and one in the 1950s.

What was one main results of the completion of the transcontinental railroad?

It tied the nation together.

Who is the physicist who helped develop the atomic bomb named Niels?

Niels Bohr, one of the main developers of quantum mechanics in the 1920s & 1930s.

In the 1920s what rose dramatically?

rose from about one-third in the early 1920s to almost two-thirds by the late 1920s.

Advice columns on the1920's?

One of the main advice columnists from the 1920s was Dorothea Dix. The column was called Dear Dorothy, and it was the precursor to other columns.

What are some words scare?

One compound word containing the word scare is scarecrow.

How is labor scarce?

Labor is scare is a situation where an economy lacks people with the proper qualifications to fill in the market place. This is one of the main scarcity problems in the economy.

What is the syllables in scare?

The word scare has only one syllable. It is pronounced with a single stress point.

How many people died during the Red Scare?

no one died as a result of the "Red Scare"!

How many syllables does scare have?


Where are some of the places that one can keep track of the UK Lotto results?

One of the main places that one can keep track of the UK Lotto results is by going to the Lottery website. The Lottery website allows people to keep track of Lotto results for locations across the world.