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Difficult question, and any blanket response would be wrong. These are best answered on a case by case basis. Generally speaking, though, lengthy incarceration is almost a guarantee of recidivism, especially under the current system in the US. Practically no rehailitation takes place, for two reasons: first, rehabilitiation can only be offered. If the offender has no desire to change, no change will occur regardless of how many programs he takes. Second, no real effort is made to help inmates because the system as a whole sees no point, it is expensive, and offenders often can see no payout for participating.

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The approach to criminal justice should aim for a balance between punishment and rehabilitation. Lengthy jail terms are not always the most effective way to reduce recidivism. Re-education and rehabilitation programs, such as community service, can help offenders address the root causes of their behavior and reduce the likelihood of them re-offending when reintegrated into society.

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Q: Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re-educated and re-habilitated using community service programs for instance before being introduced back into society?
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Who introduced the concept of the different types of criminals?

Cesare Lombroso, an Italian criminologist, introduced the concept of different types of criminals in his work on "criminal anthropology." He proposed that criminals could be classified into different categories based on biological traits that he believed were linked to criminal behavior.

Who founded the positivist theory of criminology?

The positivist theory of criminology was founded by Cesare Lombroso, an Italian criminologist, in the late 19th century. Lombroso believed that criminals were biologically different from non-criminals, and he introduced the concept of the "born criminal."

How did police catch criminals in the 1880's?

In the 1880s, police caught criminals through a combination of detective work, informants, eyewitnesses, and physical evidence. They relied on developing clues and following up leads to track down suspects and gather evidence for prosecution. Police also used wanted posters, rewards, and community cooperation to apprehend criminals.

Lombroso's four categories of criminals?

Lombroso's four categories of criminals are born criminals, insane criminals, occasional criminals, and criminals by passion. Born criminals are those with physical traits suggesting innate criminality, insane criminals have mental disorders, occasional criminals commit crimes out of necessity, and criminals by passion act impulsively due to emotional triggers. Lombroso's theory has been widely criticized for its lack of scientific rigor and stigmatization of certain groups.

Who allowed criminals to be used as slaves?

Criminals were often used as slaves in ancient civilizations, such as in the Roman Empire and in various African societies. Slavery of criminals was allowed as a form of punishment and to serve as a deterrent to crime. Additionally, in some societies, criminals were sold into slavery as a way to provide restitution to their victims.

Related questions

How many criminals do community work?

About 63% ofyoungcriminals help out the community and about 20% of adult criminals work for the community.

Why criminals are prosecuted?

Criminals must be prosecuted in order to protect the community. Punishing criminals will aid in the fight against crime in America.

Who introduced the concept of the different types of criminals?

Cesare Lombroso, an Italian criminologist, introduced the concept of different types of criminals in his work on "criminal anthropology." He proposed that criminals could be classified into different categories based on biological traits that he believed were linked to criminal behavior.

What can criminals do for community service?

Pick up trash

What are some least restrictive alternatives to seclusion and restraint?

Two types of people tend to be placed in seclusion and to be restrained, those being criminals and the insane. Some criminals can be rehabilitated, through education, therapy, and counseling. The insane can often be successfully treated by anti-psychotic drugs. Those are the least restrictive alternatives.

Which 1995 movie was introduced Five criminals one line-up no coincidence?

The Usual Suspects

How does police officers help the community?

they help by arresting criminals and stop robberies

How can inventions help a community?

they can help catch criminals and they might stop global warming

What is a sentence using the word reject?

Doctors worried that the patient may reject the liver transplant.Surprisingly, he chose to reject the generous offer.I reject the belief that criminals cannot be rehabilitated.(noun)His gun was a factory reject but it would still fire a bullet.

Who founded the positivist theory of criminology?

The positivist theory of criminology was founded by Cesare Lombroso, an Italian criminologist, in the late 19th century. Lombroso believed that criminals were biologically different from non-criminals, and he introduced the concept of the "born criminal."

Will community policing result in the demise of swat teams?

Unlikely. As long as there are specially threatening criminals, special reaction police teams will be needed.

What is the Community oriented policing system?

Community oriented policing, such as neighborhood watches, can be an effective way to combat crime. Criminals are deterred when the stakes of getting caught are raised.