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All of the inmates in the U.S. prison system would represent the population of interest for the researchers. This population refers to the entire group of individuals that the researchers are studying or trying to draw conclusions about. By studying this population, researchers aim to gain insights and make inferences about the characteristics or behaviors of inmates in the U.S. prison system as a whole.

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Q: In some cases researchers are interested in very large groups such as all the inmates of the U.S. prison system. In this case what would all of the inmates represent?
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Did the highwaymen work in groups?

Yes, highwaymen typically worked in groups to increase their chances of success and to intimidate their victims. Working in groups allowed them to quickly overpower their targets and escape before authorities could respond. Additionally, group collaboration helped highwaymen plan and execute their crimes more efficiently.

Which domestic terrorist groups flourished during the 1960s and 1970s?

Some domestic terrorist groups that flourished during the 1960s and 1970s in the United States include the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Army, and the Black Liberation Army. These groups carried out bombings, kidnappings, and other violent acts in pursuit of their revolutionary ideals.

Do highwaymen work alone?

Highwaymen historically operated alone or in small groups to ambush travelers on isolated roads. Their aim was to rob and steal from their victims by surprise. They often targeted travelers who were alone or in small groups themselves.

Deliberately blaming individuals or groups for things they really did not do is called?

Deliberately blaming individuals or groups for things they really did not do is called scapegoating. It is a form of scapegoating where people are unjustly held responsible for problems or actions they are not actually responsible for.

Why do terrorist groups use terrorism instead of other methods?

Terrorist groups use terrorism as a tactic because it is designed to instill fear and create a sense of chaos or uncertainty among the population. This can help them achieve their goals, whether political, social, or religious, by leveraging fear as a way to exert influence or force change. It is often seen as a way to destabilize governments or societies and gain attention for their cause.

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In some cases researchers are interested in very large groups such as all the inmates of the US prison system In this case what would all of the inmates represent?

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