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The population density of sand crabs in that section of the beach is 3 sand crabs per square meter. This is calculated by dividing the total count of sand crabs (45) by the area of the section (5 meters * 3 meters = 15 square meters). Therefore, 45 sand crabs / 15 square meters = 3 sand crabs per square meter.

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Q: If Students counted forty five sand crabs in a 5 by 3 meter section of a beach what was the population density of the sand crabs?
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If you get convited of a crime while on section 8 can you be taken off section 8 And if you are a felon can you get section 8 /?

Being convicted of a crime while on Section 8 can impact your housing assistance. It can result in being removed from the program or facing restrictions. As a felon, you may still be eligible for Section 8, but your application will be subject to specific guidelines and restrictions based on the nature of the offense.

Can a misdemeanor disqualify you from section 8?

Misdemeanors typically do not disqualify someone from receiving Section 8 housing assistance. However, certain misdemeanor convictions related to drug offenses or crimes involving violence may affect eligibility. It's essential to check with the specific housing authority for their policies regarding criminal backgrounds in Section 8 eligibility.

Can convicted drug felons in Georgia receive section 8 housing?

In Georgia, convicted drug felons are generally not eligible for Section 8 housing assistance. Federal law prohibits individuals convicted of certain drug-related offenses from receiving housing assistance, including Section 8 vouchers or public housing. This restriction applies regardless of the state in which the individual resides.

What If I Have A Non Violent Felony On Section 8 can i still be on section 8 ?

Having a non-violent felony does not automatically disqualify you from receiving Section 8 housing assistance. Each housing authority has its own policies regarding criminal backgrounds, so it's best to check with your local housing authority to see if you still qualify for Section 8 with a non-violent felony on your record.

Where on a background check does it say what class of crime was committed?

Typically, the class of crime committed will be listed under the criminal history section of a background check report. This section will provide details about the specific charges, convictions, and sentencing related to the criminal offense.

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