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Over 24 major Nazi war criminals were tried at the Nuremberg Trials following World War II. Additionally, thousands of Nazis were also tried in various other trials for their roles in the Holocaust and other war crimes.

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Q: How many Nazis was tried for their crimes?
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What was one of the crimes judged at the Nuremberg Trials?

One of the crimes judged at the Nuremberg Trials was crimes against humanity, which included acts such as genocide, extermination, enslavement, and persecution of civilian populations.

What city in Germany were German criminals tried for atrocities during world war 2?

German war criminals were tried for atrocities during World War II in the city of Nuremberg. The Nuremberg Trials took place from 1945 to 1946 and aimed to hold individuals accountable for their roles in war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities committed during the war.

How did the allies deal with the nazi war crimminals?

After World War II, the Allies conducted the Nuremberg Trials to prosecute high-ranking Nazi officials for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Many lower-ranking Nazi war criminals were also tried in subsequent trials. Some escaped justice by fleeing to countries like Argentina with the help of the "ratlines."

Why were the Nazi war criminals tried at the Nuremberg Trials?

The Nazi war criminals were tried at the Nuremberg Trials to hold them accountable for committing atrocities during World War II, to establish legal precedents for prosecuting individuals responsible for war crimes, and to promote justice and reconciliation after the war.

How many crimes are there in the world?

There is no exact number of crimes in the world as crime rates vary across locations and types of offenses. Criminal activities can range from theft and assault to cybercrime and human trafficking, making it challenging to compile a comprehensive list of all crimes globally.

Related questions

Was it legal to kill Jews in Nazi Germany?

No; and many Nazis were tried for war crimes after WW2.

What action was the main cause for Nazis to be charged and tried for at Nuremberg?

The main cause for Nazis to be charged and tried at the Nuremberg Trials was their involvement in atrocities committed during World War II, including crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. These actions included the Holocaust, aggressive war, and systematic violations of human rights.

Who was charged in the Nuremberg trials?

24 top leaders of the Nazi Regime was charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. I have included links below that have their names and their photos. They tell you about their charges, sentences and the trial. There were over 100 Nazis tried for crimes. The worst of them all killed himself before he could be tried: Heinrich Himmler.

What did U.S soldiers not find when they liberated concentration camps?

The Nazis tried to hide the evidence of their horrific crimes.

Where former Nazis were tried?

There were several war crimes trials for ex-Nazis who were captured by the Allies. The most famous trial of the top leaders, including Herman Goering, was held at Nurnberg, Germany. The first German executed for war crimes was General Dostler and his trial was held in Italy, where he was executed in December 1945.

What was the German city were Nazis were put on trial for war crimes?

Nuremburg there were trials in many cities. Whereas in Nuremberg the trials were about war crimes and crimes against peace, the Franfurt trials were about the Holocaust and crimes against humanity.

What happened at the nuremburg trials?

At the Nuremberg Trials 24 of the highest Nazi leaders were tried for their war crimes of genocide and many other war crimes. The trial took a year and there were 100 other Nazis tried for war crimes too. Of the 24 big time leaders they were all convicted and most were executed. Many of the 100 received prison sentences. See the related link below.

Which group was tries for the war crimes at the Nuremberg trials?

Nazis .

How did they kill the Nazis?

the Nazis weren't killed. They killed the Jew's, some were executed after the war though for war crimes

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What was one of the problems faced after world war 2?

Rebuilding nations worldwide.Feeding people worldwide.Getting Jews relocated to new nations and homes.Paying for the war.The guilty Nazis had to be found and tried for war crimes.

What charges were made against Nazis at the Nuremberg Trials?

At the Nuremberg Trials, the Nazis were charged with crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit aggression. These charges encompassed atrocities committed during World War II, including topics such as genocide, crimes against civilian populations, and unlawful warfare.