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The Thirteenth Amendment

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Q: Ask us of the following allowed criminals to be used as slaves?
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What allowed in criminals be used as slaves?

someways it was a way of punishment

Who allowed criminals to be used as slaves?

Criminals were often used as slaves in ancient civilizations, such as in the Roman Empire and in various African societies. Slavery of criminals was allowed as a form of punishment and to serve as a deterrent to crime. Additionally, in some societies, criminals were sold into slavery as a way to provide restitution to their victims.

What law allowed criminals to be used as slaves?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 allowed for the capture and return of escaped slaves, treating them as criminals. This law required free states to assist in the capture and return of escaped slaves, leading to the forced labor of individuals who were seeking freedom.

What allowed criminals to be used as salves?

Criminals were sometimes used as slaves in various societies as a form of punishment or labor force. This practice was often justified by laws or cultural beliefs that considered criminals to be unworthy of freedom.

What allowed criminals to be used as slaves?

the 13th amendment

Which of the following allowed criminal to be used as slaves?

the thirteenth ammendmenr

Which allowed criminals to be used as slaves?

The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution allowed criminals to be used as slaves through a loophole that permitted involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime. This was later challenged and altered by the 1865 Civil Rights Act, which granted equal rights and protection under the law to all citizens, regardless of their criminal status.

Which of the laws allowed criminals to be used as slaves?

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. This exception technically allows for individuals convicted of crimes to be used as labor while incarcerated.

What did slaves use their money for?

Many slaves weren't allowed to use money... others who did used the currency of their regions or gold in some cases.

Where was tap dance invented?

slaves were not allowed to use instruments so they used their hands and feet

What happend to slaves that caused them to be in Rome against their will?

Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.Slaves could be in Rome against their will if they were prisoners trained as gladiators or criminals being set for execution in the arena or if they were just owned by someone who lived in Rome. Sometimes the state purchased a block of slaves to be used as helpers in various city maintenance projects.

Was slaves allowed in the Battle of Shiloh?

no they werent because the north and a south had a gentlemans agreement that if the south used their slaves the fight would be unfair and the south would win