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Since your skin sloughs naturally, you will probably just have to wait until it grows off. In the nmean time scrub when you are in the shower. If it doesn't dissappear in about a week, I would ask a doctor. The only other thing I can think of is that somehow something in the lotion combined with the properties in the soda to cause a molecular reaction that permanenlty altered your skin pigment in that area. Although this is highly unlikely, if that is so you will just have to get used to it, or cover it with foundation tha same color as your skin.

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Q: You had baking soda on your skin overnight don't ask how and before that I had a cream natural extracts applied b4 the baking soda got onto it It caused a dark brown stain I can't remove it Help?
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Watkins is well-known for its strong and fresh extracts and flavorings for use in cooking and baking as well as lotions and soaps. Watkins products are available online at their own dedicated store, or at reseller sites such as Amazon and eBay.

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