It is best to cook soup very slowly, so always avoid fast boil. You can use a lid, but have it slightly lifted.
Yes, pumpkin does cook faster when the lid is on the saucepan. The reason for this is that the lid traps the steam inside the pan which speeds the cooking process.
Faster without a lid because the lid recaptures steam and condenses it back
keep the lid off they will cook faster mate
A glass of water will generally evaporate slower with a lid on compared to without a lid. This is because the lid prevents the water vapor from escaping into the surrounding environment, leading to reduced evaporation.
Water evaporates faster without a lid because the open surface allows for more moisture to escape into the air. A lid creates a barrier that reduces the rate of evaporation by trapping the water vapor inside the container.
Boiling water evaporates faster without a lid because the steam can easily escape into the air. With a lid, the steam is trapped, increasing humidity levels and slowing down the evaporation rate.
One reason to use a covered pan is so there is not any splatter. Using a lid on a pan also helps the food cook faster.
A cup of tea loses heat faster without a lid because the heat energy in the tea is transferred to the surrounding air more quickly due to convection. A lid helps to trap the heat within the cup, reducing the rate of heat loss to the environment.
to THICKEN the bean soup. If you leave it covered, steam forms on the lid, which turns to water and dilutes the bean soup.
A good experiment is putting an ice cube in a jar without a lid and one with a lid. then you time the ice and see which one melts faster
Water will boil faster with the pan lid on. Keeping the pan lid on traps some of the heat and steam in the pan which would otherwise escape, thereby increasing the temperature, and bringing the water to a boil more quickly. To keep a full pot from boiling over, be sure and keep the side of the lid farthest from you cracked just slightly, so a little of the steam can escape.