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Q: Will a 18x26 cake pan fit in a 36inch oven?
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What are the measurements of a sheet cake pan?

Sheetcake pans come in a variety of sizes and depths. What size you want to use depends on the number of servings you want. Also, make sure the pan will fit in your oven. Not all full sheet cake pans fit in all ovens.

Will the Maytag Gas double oven fit in a built in space that currently has a regular standard oven?

Majority of the Maytag double oven (gas) should fit into a space built for a regular standard oven (gas) except for one or two larger size Maytag double oven(gas).

Is a cupcake a biscuit?

In America and Canada a flapjack is a pancake. In the United Kingdom and Ireland it is oats, golden syrup and sugar mixed together and baked in an oven. It generally doesn't fit into either biscuit of cake category.

Why must oven shelves not fit tightly when the oven is cold?

Oven shelves contract while cold. When heat is introduced, they expand (or grow larger) and can damage your oven walls.

What other things fit into the category with cupcakes and ice cream?

cake icecream cake and then thing that is involed with icecream

How do you fit a thermostat on a oven?

Some ovens come with the oven, and it is all ready, all you have to do is press a button. However, if there is nothing that does that with your oven, simply place 1-2 in your oven, in different places, to get the average temp.

What size pizza could I bake in the SpaceMaker traditional toaster oven?

A traditional SpaceMaker toaster oven can fit a small pizza.

How do you answer addmaths project 2010?

if a kilogram of cake has a 3800cm3,and the height of the cake is to be 7.0cm,calculate the diameter of the baking tray to be used to fit the 5kg cake ordered by your school.

Why are Oven shelves are a loose fit?

Ovens are fit loosely as they need the space for more air so they can cook quicker

Is it possible to fit a boy in a oven?

Possibly, it depends on how big the boy is. LOL:)

What is a King cake and why do you need to be careful when eating it?

A kings cake is a massive cake fit for a wealthy king and you must be careful eating it is big and may crumble all over you.

What diameter of pizza could I bake in the DeLonghi toaster oven?

The DeLonghi Convection Toaster Oven can fit a small pizza which is around 16cm in diameter.