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Q: Why will you have a bad luck for 7 years if you break a mirror?
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Why is it not bad luck to break a mirror?

It is bad luck to break a mirror. There is no not bad luck in breaking a mirror.

How many bad luck if you break a mirror?

I have always heard 7 years bad luck.

Is it true that when you break a mirror you have bad luck for seven years?


Is scratching a mirror bad luck?

No, you have to break it for bad luck.

Break a mirror 7 years bad luck?

Yes some people are superstitious and say that if you break a mirror it means that you will have 7 years of bad luck.It is up to you to decide if you believe this or not.

7 Y B L for B a M?

7 Years of Bad Luck for Breaking a Mirror

What do you do if you break a mirror on Friday the 13Th?

Well supposedly if you break a mirror its 7 years of bad luck. I broke a mirror on Friday the 13th one day too but so far no bad luck except that i got cut by the glass!

If you brack a mirror is it bad luck?

Yes. It is believed that if you break a mirror (whether the mirror is big or small) you will have bad luck for seven years. Some people believe it and some don't. It definitely depends on the person.

7 y of B L if you B A M?

7 years of bad luck if you break a mirror.

What if somebobody give you A mirror are bad luck or good luck?

It is neither except a gift with which you could use to look at yourself. However, to break a mirror in a house is seven years bad look on that household.

Is it bad luck to break a miror?

Yes, it is believed that when you break a mirror, your comic penance will experience seven years of bad luck, unless you can find a way to ward off the negative effects.

How do i remove the glass from a Mekra wing mirror?

Get a professional to do it. You don't want to break the glass, and have 7 years of bad luck!