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because the only coloured food that you wont get and stand out if it falls in your food

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Q: Why wear blue plasters in food preparation?
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Why should you not wear skin coloured plasters in a kitchen?

not easily seen if fallen in food, so blue colour plasters are chosen.

Why do you wear blue plasters to cover cuts in a food technology room?

because if the plaster falls off in food you will be able to see it

Rules and regulations in handling food?

washed hands, remove all jewellery, hair tied back (hair net), wear an apron, wear coloured plasters. (to prevent losing them in food.)

Is it state requirement to wear gloves for food preparation?

No but you need to wash your hand recently

Is it a state requirements to wear gloves for food preparation?

No but you need to wash your hand recently

Why do you have to cover cuts when cooking?

You should wear blue plasters while cooking because no natural/normal food is blue, so if it was to come off you would see it straight away, (Because if you wear a brown plaster, you might not see it and that would be gross!) Also they're stickier and less likely to fall off!! xxx

What do food factory worker wear?

Mainly suits and blue gloves.

Is it a California state requirement to wear gloves for food preparation?

No, but proper and regular hand washing is required at all times.

What do sushi workers wear?

They typically wear food preparation clothing, they are chefs. Most places I go wear white chef's coats and something on their heads. Most wear dark pants and comfortable shoes.

Why do cooks wear uniforms?

Blue Apron is a better way to cook. Blue Apron sends all the ingredients for inventive yet simple weeknight meals to customers weekly. Guaranteed Fresh, people are getting back into the kitchen and enjoying cooking again! Enjoy meals here

Is food safe when wearing nail polish that peels during food preparation?

Food is not safe when handling food while wearing nail polish. Nail polish is a toxic substance that should stay away from food at all times. It is better to wear gloves.

Do the people of Ireland wear blue jeans?

Yes they wear blue jeans.