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when the spoon is hot you either burn your tongue or have mouth odour and also you add siliva to food you are cooking

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If you do, you run a risk of getting the people you are cooking for sick.

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Q: Why shouldn't you put a spoon back into the food after you tried it?
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When tasting food never put the back into the food?

This is a cooking question. Never put a tasting spoon back in your mouth. Cooks should develop a habit of keeping a stirring spoon only for stirring. If you must taste-test, use a CLEAN spoon EVERY time. If you put a spoon or fork into your mouth, it should never go back in a pot or serving dish. Likewise, never use a finger to take a taste of food you are making.

Why can Licking a spoon and putting it back into food cause food poisoning?

If the person who licked spoon is a carrier of pathogenic microorganisms, the food would become contaminated. These microbes could then be ingested by other people, causing them illness.

How does food get to your spoon?

you put it on the spoon with your hands

What is perforated draining spoon?

Perforated draining spoon could refer to a slotted spoon or egg spoon. They are used to lift food from liquid, allowing the liquid to drain, leaving the food in the spoon.

What kind of spoon do you use to lift food out of liquid?

You can use a slotted spoon to lift food out of liquid. The slots allow the liquid to drain away while keeping the solid food on the spoon.

What is the function of a slotted spoon in cooking?

A slotted or perforated spoon, is designed to lift out a solid from as liquid and allow the liquid to drain away.

What does napper mean pertaining to culinary?

It's the ability of a liquid to 'coat the back of a spoon' or the act of coating a food.

What is tasting spoon?

A spoon that the head chef uses to taste the food before it is served to the costumer

What did neanderthal people do for a living?

it wasnt about jobs back then, they just hunted for food and tried to survive

How you eat food?

Get the food you want to eat,Put the food on the fork/spoon,Put the food inside your mouth,Take the fork/spoon out but keep the food in your mouth,Chew,Swallow,Keep doing that until your food is gone.

Which is larger a dinner spoon or a teaspoon?

Obviously, as desert spoons are used for eating and serving spoons are used for serving food.

How do British eat their food?

with a knife, fork and spoon!