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If you prepare it yourself, you can eat what you like. It is less expensive. Also, when you prepare your own meals, you know what is in them; you can trust yourself.

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Q: Why prepare your own food?
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Why animals are unable to prepare their own food?

Because they have no hand.

Can fungi prepare their own food?

Fungi are unable to make their own food as their own food , as they live on dead matters. Eg:- They are decomposers. However plants can make their own food as they eat dead things

Why animals cannot prepare their own food?

They dont have chloroplasts. Plants have them.

Do daffodils need plant food?

Daffodils do not need plant food. These are autotrophs and hence prepare their own food.

Name the process of making food?

The process by which plants or autotrophs make their own food is called Photosynthesis they are the only organism those who prepare their own food.preparing food

When will be the plant able to prepare its own food?

Plants have got chlorophyll in them. With the help of the chlorophyll, plant synthesize their food in presence of light. So plants have always prepared their own food.

Which is the only organism that prepares its own food?

Plants are the only organisms that prepare their own food through the process of photosynthesis, converting sunlight into energy through the chlorophyll in their leaves.

Where are the best conditions for photosynthesis?

The process by which green plants prepare there own food is called photosynthesis.

The process by which green plants prepare their own food?

Chloroplast i believe. Are you talking about the cells in plants? If so than it is Chloroplast

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Why can humans not make their own food?

Humans do make their own food. Humans are consumers which gather and prepare their own food. However, humans are not producers, or autotrophs (self-feeding), that produce complex organic compounds (such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) from simple substances.