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Q: Why must the margarine be rubbed into flour quickly?
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Can regular flour be turned into self-rising flour?

When using plain (regular) flour and the recipe calls for self-raising flour you must add a good teaspoon of baking powder to the flour. That will turn plain flour into self-raising flour.

How many grains of flour are in one wheat seed?

There are no grains of flour in a wheat seed. Wheat must be milled (ground) to produce flour.

When do you use cake flour instead of all purpose flour?

When you are baking cakes and pastries which are cream based then its must to use refined flour

Why does a cake flop?

Could be: 1) Not enough air in it. You must beat the cake mixture well when mixing margarine, eggs and butter. Then be very careful when you add the flour. It's a good idea to seive flour before adding it to get more air in it. Just gently fold the flour in with a metal spoon. 2) Oven might not be hot enough. Be sure to heat the oven to required temperature before putting cake in to bake. 3)Opening and closing oven door during baking. If you do have to open it do it very gently.

Why must chemical raising agents be sieved with flour?

So they are evenly distributed with the flour and will rise evenly when baked.

What must you have for a hypothesis?

You must have something to predict upon for instance 'what will happen when we add flour to vinegar?'You need to predict what will happen by starting with :If....then....because.If we add vinegar to flour then.... because....

Why do dogs like tummy rubs?

I don't know of any dog that doesn't like to have its belly rubbed. Mine loved it. It must feel good. they do but get restless quick unless tired

Why do flour manufacturers add calcium carbonate to flour?

Because Calcium Carbonate contains a source of calcium it is added to flour. All manufacturers must add calcium into flour by law. This helps our bones and muscles stay healthy.

Is flour and sugar in a bowl be a compound or mixture?

flour is mixture

How much is Two thirds of flour?

You cannot have two thirds of flour. There must be some measurement unit - either a mass (or weight) or volume.

What is a flour baby?

A flour baby is a few pounds of flour in a little paperbag or pillowcase etc that needs to be looked after and be taken care of every minute of the day. The rules are:the flour baby must be kept clean and dry at all times. All fraying, staining, and leakage of your flour baby will be taken very seriously.No flour baby may be left unattended at any time, night or day. If you must be out of sight of your flour baby, even for a short time, a responsible babysitter must be arranged.You must keep a Baby Book, and write in it daily. Each entry should be no shorter than three full sentences, and no longer than five pages.Note: Only some schools require the Baby book. This was taken directly from the book Flour Babies by Anne Fine, so your school may have different rules.

Is spelt flour soluble in water?

Spelt flour is soluble in water. However, it must be completely diluted as it does contain some gluten and it will thicken as a result.