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Milk contains fat. When it reaches boiling temperature, the water at the top evaporates rapidly leaving behing a thin layer of fat. This fat seals the surface preventing water from evaporating. This water (steam) is collected under the film and forms a big bubble which enlarges as the milk continues to heat and pushes the surface to the top till it spills.

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Q: Why milk spills on boiling?
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If your breast spills milk (also known as colostrum) then you are pregnant

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as big as the cup full

What is the correct term of boiling milk at auspicious time?

Nekath is the correct term of boiling milk at auspicious time.

Why does milk splatters when spilled on the floor?

milk splatters because the amount of space it spills in is greater than it density

Why milk has no definite boiling point?

Milk is a complex mixture containing water, proteins, fats, and other components, which can affect its boiling point. The proteins and fats in milk can increase the boiling point compared to water. Additionally, milk can scorch easily due to the presence of sugars, which can also contribute to a variable boiling point.

Why boiling point of milk is greater than water?

The boiling point of milk is higher than water because milk is a mixture of water, fats, proteins, and sugars. These additional components in milk raise its boiling point compared to pure water. Additionally, milk has a higher specific heat capacity than water, which means it takes more energy to raise its temperature to the boiling point.

What is lukewarm milk?

lukewarm milk is milk heated up but not boiling hot just warm

Is boiling of milk required?

depends where the milk comes from......... if u know what i mean ;)

Is boiling milk a physical change or chemical?

Boiling milk is a physical change because it does not alter the chemical composition of the milk. The heat causes the milk to change from a liquid to a gas without changing its molecular structure.

Why does a boiling milk overflow but a boiling water does not?

Boiling milk contains fats and proteins that create a thicker, stickier consistency when heated, causing it to easily overflow and create a mess. On the other hand, boiling water is a simpler liquid with just water molecules, so it doesn't become as frothy or thick and is less likely to overflow.

How is Earth's crust and boiling milk alike?

Both Earth's crust and boiling milk form a thin, outer layer with a relatively lower density compared to what lies beneath them. Additionally, they can both experience a form of movement - the Earth's crust in the process of plate tectonics, and milk in the boiling process as it churns and bubbles.

How do you scold milk?

To scald milk, heat to just before boiling. To scold milk, you tell yell at it and say it is bad milk.