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Q: Why it is dangerous to leave plastic bags near burning gas stove?
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Why it is dangerous to leave plastic bags near gas stove?

Because when they burn they emit and espose toxic gases

In the sentence a burning stove is dangerous Would burning be considered a participle?

Yes, in the sentence "a burning stove is dangerous," "burning" is considered a present participle. It is formed from the base verb "burn" and is used to modify the noun "stove."

Is it dangerous to use a presure cooker on a wood burning stove?

Yes, please avoid using a pressure cooker on a woo burning stove. It can potentially be an explosive combination.

Why is it dangerous to leave plastic bags near a gas stove?

Leaving plastic bags near a gas stove is dangerous because they can melt or catch fire easily when exposed to heat. This can release toxic fumes and cause a fire hazard in the kitchen. It is important to keep all flammable materials away from heat sources to prevent accidents.

How do you leave a stove burning overnight?

A heating stove can be kept on all night. Just make sure to keep anything flammable a safe distance away.

Is it okay to leave a hot plate that is in use?

never, ever!!! it is very dangerous to leave a hot plate or even a cooking stove unattended !!

Is it so dangerous by eating the food which is put in the plastic bag when it's so hot?

can you put hot tomato sauce from stove into plastic and seal container with lid

Can gas logs be placed inside a cast iron wood burning stove?

Not a good idea. Different heat, combustion air requirements. Dangerous.

What is the value of Keeley stove Nobby?

A Keeley stove Nobby is a wood burning stove, and a nobby is a type of boat. The value of a wood burning Keeley stove can range from $100 to over $1000 dollars.

Wood for your wood burning stove in minnesota?

form_title= Wood Burning Stoves form_header= Stay warm with a word burning stove. What is the square footage of the area?*= _ [50] Do you want the stove indoors or outdoors*= () Indoors () Outdoors Have you ever used a wood burning stove?*= () Yes () Ni

Why is a burning gas in a a stove a physical change?

Burning is a chemical process !

Register online warranty for a wood burning stove?

The brand of the stove is required to answer this question.