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The protein or gluten content of flour is an important factor in the choice of which to use when baking.

The lower the gluten the more the baked product will rise.

Cake flour has the lowest gluten content from 6-8 percent and it not a good choice for cookies because they will not keep their shape well.

For cookies pastry flour 8-10 percent or all purpose flour 10-12 percent are best for maintaining shape.

For making raised breads, bread flour is the best choice because it has the highest protein content 12-15 percent. The gluten provides support for the bread as it rises due to carbon dioxide production by the yeasts as they use up the sugars that are present in the bread.

Quick breads need all purpose or pastry flour to make a product that is not too dense and rises well due to the action of the conversion of the baking powder.

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Q: Why is it important for a baker to know the protein content of different types of flour. Give an example of when this knowledge would be needed.?
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