The reaction will stop when one or other of the reagents are used up.
The acetic acid concentration of vinegar varies at around 5 to 10%. When used up in the reaction, then the reaction will stop.
The reaction between baking soda and vinegar produces carbon dioxide gas. Once all the reactants have been converted to products and no more gas is being produced, the pressure inside the balloon equalizes with the pressure outside, causing the balloon to stop expanding.
A bath of vinegar removes rust in 24hrs. A bath of baking soda stops the vinegar from eating more into the metal.
Do the experiment and find out yourself :)
Yes, baking soda can effectively stop a fire by smothering it and cutting off the oxygen supply.
This makes an endothermic reaction and a drop in temperature. When the baking soda is added to the citric acid it begins to bubble. After a few seconds the citric acid will stop bubbling and remain calm.
For this you would need a stopwatch and the ingredients for the reaction. Now take vinegar in a beaker and keep the stopwatch in one hand. take a pinch of baking soda in the other hand. Now drop it in the vinegar solution and simultaneously start the stopwatch. Note the time taken for the bubbling to stop completely. Now raise the temperature and repeat the same experiment. Do this for 5 set of reading by raising the temperature 5 degrees each time. Now do this by decreasing the temperature 5 degrees. Tabulate the data and think about the answer.
No, baking soda can effectively stop a grease fire by smothering the flames and cutting off the oxygen supply.
You can wash it off with ice cold water and then put on a baking soda paste to relieve the itching. If you have many bites, take a dose of benedryl to stop the reaction. Other people use white vinegar on the bite or benedryl cream.
Yes baking soda and oil can be mixed together,especially when baking.
find something else to do