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Depending on how it is, you might throw it away or still cook/eat it.

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Q: Why does the meatloaf you make fall apart?
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You made a meatloaf that called for 2 cups of fresh breadcrumbs and you used 2 cups of dry breadcrumbs instead your meatloaf cracked in many places and fell apart in the oven any ideas why?

When they called for fresh it is still moiste. the dry crumbs will not hold the same as fresh. The fresh will stick bettr to the meat mixer. If you want to use dry you will need to add more eggs to make up for lack of moister. This will help make you meatloaf wetand stay together better. But don't over cook it cause it then again will fall apart. Good luck

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Is meatloaf good for dogs?

Meatloaf is not actually good for dogs. This is because many people make meatloaf with onions and dogs should not eat onions.

How do you make meatloaf not so stiff?

Adding a few beaten eggs to a meatloaf recipe will help to make it softer once cooked.

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u cant it will fall apart dummy

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No, the sky will never fall apart.

I asked what is a good meatloaf recipe to make for a family.?

One of the best meatloaf recipes to try would be Alton Brown's Good Eats Meatloaf Recipe, available to It has been said that even people who generally don't like meatloaf love this recipe! Other recipes to consider would be The Best Meatloaf and Easy Meatloaf, both available on

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How to cook meatloaf in the middle thoroughly?

Make sure you preheat the oven to the degree that you want it at. Then, make sure that you don't take out the meatloaf before everything has been thoroughly cooked. You have to leave the meatloaf in the oven and don't take it out before it isn't finished cooking.

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There is no such character in Things Fall Apart.