

Best Answer

As soon as any of the salt dissolves in the water, the boiling point of

the water will begin to rise -- by about one half degree Celsius for every 58 grams

of salt dissolved per kilogram of water.

In fact, any non-volatile soluble

substance will raise the boiling point of water. That is why antifreeze (ethylene glycol)

provides boiling protection in winter as it simultaneously provides freezing

protection in the summer.

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14y ago
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13y ago

It takes longer to boil water in a new saucepan than in a saucepan already in use because the new saucepan will have to heat up first. It starts out cooler while the one that is in use is already quite hot.

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11y ago

It depends. Salt water, about 1 lb. salt per gallon, requires about 10% more heat to raise it to the boiling point, which is only 2 degrees higher than water without salt in it. This necessarily needs more time to absorb more heat. A pot of water with a tablespoon of salt in it though does not need more than a fraction of a second more than a pot with the same amount of fresh water in it to boil. A pot of water without a lid will actually take much longer to boil because any escaping water vapor from the uncovered pot actually cools the water remaining in the pot. So, to make a pot of water boil faster, cover it.

To get into the thermodynamics of it. By adding salt to the water you are adding weight to the solution. 1 lb of salt added to 8.33 lbs {1 gallon} of water raises the weight of one gallon to about 9.2 lbs or slightly more than 10% requiring the additional heat to raise the temperature. (Salt has a slightly lower specific heat than water). So lb for lb salt water needs less heat than fresh water, but gallon for gallon it needs more.

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9y ago

No, it doesn't. Salt raises the density of water which raises the time it takes for it to boil. Also, because it raises the density, salt water will actually freeze faster than fresh water.

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12y ago

Because water itself is NOT a conductor of heat. Salt is. The conductivity of the solution is increased by addition of salt.

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Q: Why does it take longer to boil water in a new saucepan than in a saucepan already in use?
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