There are 25 g in 1 oz. So, this means that there are 5 ounces in 125 grams. Some recipes call for ingredients in grams while others specify ounces.
The correct abbreviation for ounces is oz. (please recommend me ;_;)
The abbreviation for ounces is oz. yes
'oz' is the abbreviation for ounces.
142 oz is equivalent to 142 ounces.
3 pounds 8 ounces = 56 ounces
oz is an abbreviation for ounces; 34 oz is thus 34 ounces. they are one and the same.
OZ is the abbreviation for ounces. 16 oz to the pound; equalling 454grams
oz. is ounce--ozs. is ounces
The correct abbreviation for ounces is "oz."
The abbreviation for fluid ounces is "fl oz."