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energy is transfeerred from the object to your body i go to falcon cove middle school and my sicence teacher is great good luck

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Coleman Lesch

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2y ago
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Q: Why can metal utensils get hot to touch when you are cooking with them?
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Why cant metal utensils get too hot to touch them?

Metal utensils CAN get too hot to touch.

Why can metal utensils get too hot to touch when you're cooking cooking with them?

Metals are good conductors of heat. If too much of the heat you're using to Cook the food items go into the utensils, they can become too hot to touch.

Why can metal utensils get too hot to touch when you you are cooking with them?

energy is transfeerred from the object to your body i go to falcon cove middle school and my sicence teacher is great good luck

Why cooking utensils are not made of wood?

because it is a conductor

What are the disadvantages of cooking with plastic utensils?

if the food is hot it will melt it

Why do metal utensils get too hot when you cook with them?

Metal is a heat conductor.

Are nylon utensils safe?

Nylon cooking utensils are safe as long as they are not heated about 600 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooking foods do not get that hot, and most of the time pans do not get that hot so they should be fine to use.

Why can utensils get too hot to touch when you are cooking with them?

energy is transfeerred from the object to your body i go to falcon cove middle school and my sicence teacher is great good luck

Why should you use a wooden spoon when cooking on a hob?

You should use a wooden spoon when cooking on a hob instead of metal utensils as the metal utensils get very hot .Wood doesnt get very hot as it is a bad conductor of heat this means it has good properties as a utensil where as metal is a very good conductor of heat and gets hot very quickly . If you leave ametal utensil in a pan by accident remove it wearing oven gloves as it could be very hot !!

Where do you wash cooking utensils?

Usually in the kitchen sink, with hot soapy water.

What are kosher utensils?

Here are some issues relating to cooking utensils according to Jewish law and observed by traditional Jews today: Metal and glass utensils fashioned by non-Jews are immersed in a mikveh, or ritual bath, before first use. A kosher kitchen has two sets of cooking and eating utensils: One for meat, and one for dairy. They usually have two sets for the holiday of Passover as well. Otherwise, Jews use cooking utensils like anyone else. To avoid cooking food on the Sabbath, they may use hot plates or crockpots set up in advance to keep food warm.

Why isn't a good heat conductor is not used for cooking utensils?

It is not good for cooking because the conductor traps the heat so it stays hot