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Victoria Johnson invented this flavor.

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Q: Who invented bluerasberry flavor?
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My fave 1.bluerasberry 2.cherry 3.watermelon apple 5.grape

What was the first pez flavor ever invented?

Peppermint. Indeed, the name PEZ itself is derived from the word Pfefferminz, German for that flavor.

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Who made the rose flavor?

It was invented by a man named Phillip Rose, one of the early innovators in artificial flavoring.

Why are Skittles certain colors?

That is the flavors the man who invented skittles thought would be best. Also ths way you can tell which flavor your about to eat.

Where was RockyRoad ice cream flavor invented?

Alternatively, Fentons Creamery in Oakland claims that William Dreyer based his recipe on a Rocky Road-style ice cream flavor invented by his friend, Fentons' George Farren, who blended his own Rocky Road-style candy bar into ice cream; however, Dreyer substituted almonds for walnuts.

What is the date cherry Dr Pepper was invented?

Even thou Doctor Pepper has been around since 1885 and was originally made in Texas the flavor Cherry wasn't made till October 15, 2004 witch is 119 years with out the popular flavor DR.Pepper Cherry.

What does flavor do to a cake?

Flavor it

What part of speech is flavor?

The word flavor is a noun. The plural is flavors. Flavor can also be a verb as in to add flavor to a dish.

Why is pie pie flavor?

pie is pie flavor because that is the flavor of the pie

When was the chemex coffee maker invented?

According to the chemex website the chemex coffeemaker was invented in 1941 Dr. Peter Schlumbohm