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Both Spain and France supplied weapons, munitions and provisions to Washington's Army.

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Q: Who helped supply food and other necessities to troops during the American Revolution?
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France and to a lesser degree The Netherlands (Holland) and Spain helped the colonists during the American Revolution (actually war for independence).

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If What role did Spain France and the Netherlands play during the American Revolution?

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They helped the American colonies.

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They helped the American colonies.

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Spain and France helped the American during the American Revolution. I'm not sure if you were talking about this, but I hope this helps

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King Louis XVI.

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he helped wright the declaration of independence.

What country is an often forgotten ally in the American Revolution?

France helped the Americans in the American Revolution. That is why they ended in extreme debt after which helped lead to their Revolution. France helped the Americans in the American Revolution. That is why they ended in extreme debt after which helped lead to their Revolution.

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A militia is a volunteer army. I'm not sure which ones helped the Americans during the American Revolution, but i hope you know what a militia is now if you didn't know.