Berry and Scone
This description matches the towns of "Scone" and "Berry".
From Gunnedah to Scone, NSW by road is a distance of 153 km. Estimated travel time is around 1 hour 45 minutes.
From Newcastle to Scone, NSW is a distance of 151 kilometres. This route, through Singleton and Muswellbrook, takes just under two and a half hours, due mostly to the heavy traffic around Maitland, and the winding roads around Muswellbrook.
Scone. The ancient coronation place of the kings of scotland.
I ate a scone.
Words that rhyme with Scone include:aloneatoneblownbonecalzoneclonecologneconeflownhoneknownloanmoanownozonephonesewnsownthowntone
Robert of Scone died in 1159.
New Scone was created in 1805.
Scone Palace was created in 1808.
Raid of Scone happened in 1297.
In the story they are crowned at scone.