its a souffle from France mate!
origin of souffle
A health recipe for souffles can be found online at Cooking Light. Some of these healthy souffle recipes include: cheese souffle with herb salad, cheese/squash souffle, and spinach/parmesan souffle.
europe/france =)
Blue cheese souffle
Sort of, souffles are made by mixing a thick custard with whipped egg whites.
Example sentence - His first attempt at making a cheese souffle did not turn out well.
The French Chef - 1962 Cheese Souffle 9-11 was released on: USA: January 1972
I have not any reports that he had an inordinate fondness for cheese. He reportedly liked cheesy cornbread and cheese souffle. Cheese balls and cheese plate assortments were commonly offered at White House receptions and dinners.
from cows