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I cannot find any such recipe. Lemon extract actually comes from the lemon peel, not the juice of the lemon.

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Q: Where can a recipe for lemon bars be found that uses lemon extract instead of lemon juice?
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Use instead of lemon juice?

Lemon powder can be used instead of lemon extract in anything that will give the powder an opportunity to dissolve completely. A good use for the substitution would be in whipped cream.

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That depends on what you are making. The orange extract is a highly concentrated flavoring, so you would naturally use less of it than you would orange juice. Also, you would have to use a lot more of the orange juice to get the same flavor, which would add much more liquid to the recipe than called for. You may be able to try using frozen orange juice concentrate (the kind you mix with water to make orange juice), but again, it depends on what you are making.

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A simple recipe for blueberry juice is to take blueberries and some water and place them in a blender to make juice.

Can you use lemon extract instead of lemon juice for fresh apple pie?

yes you can ive done it before GO FOR IT your welcome xx

What can you use instead of lemon juice in a pie?

apples Don't use apples. Your recipe is probably looking for the citric acid in order to make it work properly try lime juice or vinegar.