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Starchy foods are in the grains and bread group. The food pyramid has some starchy foods in the vegetables group, however they don't equate nearly as much when comparing to the grains. The carbohydrate-rich foods in the grains group are the reason they have so much starch.

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Q: Where are starchy food in food pyramid?
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What does starchy foods contain?

Starchy food contains Carbohydrates.

What is the starchy food that feeds a developing seed?

The starchy food that feeds a developing seed is endosperm. Endosperm is a tissue found in seeds that provides nutrients to the developing embryo, enabling it to grow and develop into a new plant.

Starchy food tastes sweet during chewing?

Starches are made up of chains of glucose molecules. When starchy foods are broken down by enzymes in the mouth during chewing, some of these glucose molecules are released and detected by taste receptors on the tongue, leading to a perception of sweetness.

What does the food pyramid look like?

The traditional food pyramid consists of different food groups arranged in layers, with the base comprising of grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables, followed by fruits and vegetables, then proteins like meats and dairy, and fats and sugars at the top. However, in recent years, the food pyramid has been replaced by the MyPlate icon which simplifies dietary recommendations by focusing on portion control and visualizing a balanced meal.

What foods can repace starchy foods?

If repace means replace and if you mean what carbohydrate can you replace very starchy foods. Rice and bread is a starchy food potatoes are less starchy. So if u want a carbohydrate but not as starchy then try potatoes.

What is a starchy food?

Starchy simply means containing a lot of starch, as in a potato.

Where is the potato listed on food pyramid?

No, potato chips would be in the "snack" or "unhealthy" section of the food pyramid.

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