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When the juices run clear or if you have a thermometer it should be 165(F), 74 (C).

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Q: When is the turkey done?
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What can be done with left over turkey?

Turkey Casserole Turkey SandwichesTurkey StewEven Turkey LasagnaBe original!!

How do you know turkey is done without a thermometer?

Without a thermometer, you will know if a turkey is done by piercing it with a skewer or sharp knife. The juices will run clear when the turkey is cooked.

How much does a mammogram cost in Turkey?

The cost of a mammogram in Turkey could still depend on where you get it done. There are 12 clinics available in Turkey where you would be able to get a mammogram done.

Can you take a microwave to turkey in luggage?

nope done

Where can you have a braid done in your hair?

turkey,Spain,Africa and most othere countrys i actually think that turkey it the best place to have your hair braided because its easy to wash you hair with it in and it really doesnt hurt when you are getting it done. if you go to turkey to get your hair done get it in any hair dressing from it marmaris

Was anything done to punish the ones to blame for the Armenian genocide?

Two Turkish leaders were assainated after the Genocide but Turkey hasn't done anything not even accepted the fact that it was Genocide. Nothing has been done to punsih Turkey.

What is a self basting turkey?

A self-basting turkey is a turkey that come in its own broth or marinade. It has already been injected with the seasonings and nothing needs to be done to baste it.

How long do you cook a 14.5 kg turkey?

A 14.5 kg turkey should cook in the oven for about 6 hours. It is important to check the temp when the turkey is done cooking.

What should a meat thermometer read when the turkey is done?

165 degrees

You are such a turkey what does that mean?

Usually, when someone calls you a turkey, it means you have done something dumb because turkeys are known not to be the brightest of birds.

When should you stuff a turkey?

While cooking a turkey you should always stuff the turfiest in the oven order to get the taste for the turkey.if you are cooking a turkey then you should clean it then put seasons on the turkey then after stuff the turkey. it will have more taste. and you can taste the flavor on your turkey when its all done . iam a mom i would know.

How long can turkey set after being cooked?

Turkey can be left out for a little bit after its done. However, it should have liquid injected into it, so it does not dry.