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Q: What would happen if you put a metal bowl full of candyfloss in a microwave?
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What would happen if someone put metal in a microwave oven?

Putting metal in the microwave can cause a fire to happen.

What would happen if an apple was put in the microwave?

It will became hot and the skin will become ywllo


It'll warm up, start to boil and eventually evaporate.

Why would canned green beans be flammable and spark in the microwave?

Don't put the can in the microwave. Indeed not! As they allegedly used to say, Don't try this at home, folks! The beans won't be, even if green. The metal can and could - indeed would. It absorbs the microwave (ultra-short radio) energy and converts it into electrical eddy currents within the metal. And several hundred W into a small amount of thin sheet-metal of low resistance...

What happens when metal is cooked in a microwave?

No. Aluminum is not only a highly conductive metal, aluminum foil is very thin thus making conduction of electricity easier. Putting metal in a microwave would cause it to spark. Not only can an explosion be possible, but the sparks can also set paper and other flammables on fire. Never use anything metal inside a microwave.

What would happen if you microwave a human head?

depends on how long, heating at first, boiling, then if let go it would look like a hotdog

Which Jacqueline Wilson book is the best?

I would say candyfloss is the best Jacqueline Wilson book! But there may be more!

What would happen if we didn't put oil in our engines?

The engines would seize up and we all would be walking.

What would happen if you melted every known metal into one alloy?

You will die.

What would happen if white hot metal touched you?

you will burn and burn and it will hurt alot

Is is safe to use a microwave if it has arced?

no expert on this, but had it happen, and NO it isn't safe, will or can cause an arc or fire, had mine repainted by microwave service company...but this was many years ago when microwaves were very expensive, would just replace it now.........

Can you cook tinned food in the tin it came in on a hexi stove?

No , you cant. because you cant put tin in a microwave because of the eletrical waves flowing through and because tin is a metal , and metal is a good conductor or electricity this microwave tends to blow up. Therefore if you were too put a tin on the stove. You would have the same results.