Start with a formal emcee script and remove words like "thou" and anything in latin.
let's give them a warm round of applause please..
agree, emcee, levee, melee, raree, three
Words related to nutrition:anti oxidentscarbohydratesfiberfruitsmineralsproteinsaturated fatsunsaturated fatsvegetablesvitamins
It is how much nutrition is in your daily meals, or in other words the healthy stuff!!
inhibition exhibition intuition nutrition fruition
food vitamins minerals
The word "nutrient" refers to a substance that provides nourishment, while "nutrition" is the process of obtaining and consuming nutrients to support growth and health in living organisms. Nutrients are the components of food that provide nourishment as part of the nutrition process.
Eerie, emcee and geese contain 3 e's Additional words include melee, pewee and tepee.
A constant is a variable whose value does not change during the program's execution. Constants are usually written in uppercase letters with underscores separating words and their value remains fixed throughout the program.
Some words derived from the Latin word "nutrire" include nutrition, nutriment, nutritious, and nourish.