The same amount of red and green make brown. That just makes the simple color brown. If you want a reddish brown use a little bit more red. If you want a darker brown use more green.
If you want a brown that is greenish use the same amount of red, blue, and yellow. Those colors otherwise known as the primary colors.
Hope this helps!
There are definitely things you can do, but you should just look hard for black food coloring. Combinations like red, green and blue might come close but will probably turn out a disgusting purplish-brown. Your best option depends on what you're trying to color.
Sienna and umber are two common pigments used to make brown colorings. They are often heated or burned in order to darken them. Therefore, "burnt" umber or "burnt" sienna are also brownish pigments.
The only way you can make it gray with food coloring is if the substances you are making the volcano out of is white. You will have to add black food coloring drop by drop until you have the color gray you want. If you can't find black food coloring, mix every color you have together then drip it in. All of the colors mixed together will make black.
Orange and black make brown when mixed together.
Yellow Green and Red make brown dont they?
If you add red to green, you get brown.
the colors that make brown are red and green
You can't make brown dyes, the closest to that color is Orange.
It will be the same for just about all colorings, put about a teaspoon of vinegar in a cup ( two wont hurt ) add coloring to your desired shade and then hot ( not boiling ) water, enough to cover an egg.
The two colors that make brown are red and yellow. When combined, they create various shades of brown depending on the ratio of each color.
brown and yellow
Red and Brown