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i made a pie filling too salty once and added 1/2 teasppon of sugar. it tasted really nice once it was ready to eat, but cant guarantee that the sugar thing worked!

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15y ago
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15y ago

Put a peeled potted in the food. It will soak up the salt.

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10y ago

I place peeled and diced potatoes, or uncooked rice in the dish to offset. Or add more of whatever the main component is to balance the dish.

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15y ago

If you can, rinse the item. If it's a broth, add potatoes. They will soak up the salt. Discard the potatoes, or not. SLSheila

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14y ago

Peel and cut up a raw potato. The potato will absorb some of the salt, and is good for potato salad later.

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16y ago

double the recipe (minus the salt!)

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Q: What to do when you add too much salt?
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How do you nutrilize too much salt?

add water or filter it

What do you do when you add too much salt to salsa?

If you have more salsa, you can add it to the salty mix.

How do you fix food that you used too much salt?

Add potatoes to it. They will absorb the excess salt.

Does salt float in a cup of water?

No. First it dissolves; when you add too much salt it sinks to the bottom.

How do you correct too much salt in homemade salsa?

Add more of all the vegetables to dilute the salt.

What can you do to tone down too much lime?

Add salt! It worked for us!

What happens when you add too much salt to your yeast bread?

In yeast breads, salt limits the action of yeast by killing it. If you have too much salt, you might kill the yeast too quickly. The bread might also taste salty. In quick breads (those that rise with baking soda and/or baking powder), salt is used to add flavor, so too much salt will just make the bread taste more salty.

How do you correct too much salt in bean soup?

Add water or wash with water if it is possible.

How do you correct too much salt in baking a cake?

add some more liquid to it . :) LOL

When making guacamole too much salt was added is there anything to cut the salt?

A simple method is to add more from other components to dilute salt concentration.

How too correct too much salt in a dessert?

You can't, unless you add enough of the other ingredients to offset it, giving you more dough.

How do you fix cooked corn that has too much sugar?

Rinse the corn, and if it's still too sweet add some salt.